“How can I help my son with his homework, he can’t fix his attention for more than 5 minutes?” ”
Often in the moon, can not sit still in his chair, hard drive to do homework in the evening … Our children sometimes have trouble focusing on one activity at school or at home. Drawing mandalas, memorizing a series of shapes or putting yourself in symmetrical positions are all effective, fun and easy activities to share with your child.
A playful box with activities to help his child develop his concentration: drawings, memos, effective positions to take … From 3 years.
This game I help my child improve his Concentration offers 10 simple and innovative activities for the well-being of your child, big or small!
This J’aide Mon Enfant À collection offers fun activities, around strong themes, to support the child in his daily development.
From 3 to 10 years old.
Playing time: 10 minutes.
Made in France.
Content of the game: 10 “activity” cards, 15 “shape and color” tokens, 1 educational booklet, 4 colored pencils.
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